One of my favorite things this past year of blogging has been getting to meet other blogger's. Even though I know some about them, it's come to my realization that you may not know much about me! Sure, you can probably guess my favorites from the kind of posts I write, but you don't really know ME. Today's post is going to be all about that.
I've asked my followers on Twitter and Instagram to send me any kind of questions they have, and I'm glad to have received many! I've also included some FAQ on my own, to help you get to know me. I'm glad to share some of myself with out, and without further a do, here's some little things about me!
01. Why Did You Start Blogging?
I first had the thought of blogging a few years back when my mom said to me "you should start a blog!" during one of my long rants about Broadway. The idea has been in my head since then, and it always sounded like a bunch of fun. I mean, doesn't it sound awesome to write about whatever you want, and perhaps even have an audience?
It was about two years ago I decided to start my own Broadway blog, sadly I had no clue how to promote it! I had one post that was popular for about a day or two, but nothing afterwards! I since retired that Blog, and birthed Candidly Darling. I began this blog because I wanted somewhere to write about what I'm passionate about, and I'm so glad I've found my place to do so.
02. What Blogging Props Do You Use?
I actually don't use much! I've an extremely budgeted person, I don't even have a proper camera! The only main props I really use are my iPhone 6S Plus and my Laptop! I use a bunch of apps, which you can read about here, and edit everything on my laptop.
I'll of course use "props" when I do product review posts, but other than those, I really don't have much. I'm intending on hopefully getting a MacBook this Christmas, so hopefully my blogging game can improve then!
03. What is The Best Thing You Like About Blogging?
What Makes You Happy About It?
The best thing about blogging is getting to let it all out. It's so wonderful to express yourself and have an audience. Even if you don't have much of an audience, it's great to just write about what makes you happy! For instance, theatre makes me insanely happy. Nowadays you can find me writing tons about it, just because it's what I love!
What makes me happy to also getting to teach some of my readers new things. That's why I enjoy writing blog advice posts, even my travel posts, they're often so well received. Why you ask? Because people love learning new things! My NYC posts have all gotten mostly positive comments, and it makes me so happy to be able to give everyone my tips, even if they're not the absolute best!
04. Who is Your Style Icon?
I've honestly had so many style icons in my life it's unreal! This ranges from celebrities to my friends IRL. I really am the kind of person to base my style on others, guilty as charged, I'm not the type of person to have much confidence in my own fashion sense!
I'd say my biggest style icon is for sure, the queen herself, actress Diane Keaton. From Annie Hall to her endless real life style (which Annie Hall actually WAS her own style!), Diane just inspires me endless. She's not afraid to go out and try new outfits, even if they are way out there sometimes! Her confidence is one of the biggest reasons why I adore her, and I'm constantly looking up to her!
05. What is Your Best Childhood Movie?
Hands down, Anastasia. Anastasia was very special to my late grannie and I, in ways that could be a post of its own. Let's just say, this movie will forever hold a very special place in my heart.
If you haven't seen my praise for the Broadway show, I'm a huge fan of it, too. If you're ever in NYC, you must go see Anastasia on Broadway!
06. What is Your Favorite Place in All of NYC?
Oh gosh, so hard!! I love everywhere in NYC, it's after all my favorite city in the whole world. Besides the endless theatre's I love to be at (my favorites of those are The Winter Garden and New Amsterdam!), I'd say my favorite place is The Plaza Hotel.
I always make it a routine of mine to visit every time I go to the city, and there hasn't been a time when I haven't! It's such a beautiful place, and there's just something about it that I love to my core.

07. When Do You Plan to Move to NYC?
I've been planning this move my whole life practically haha! I am pleased to say that I plan to move there in the summer of 2019, and I hope to my heart that I can make it work. New York is my happy place, where my friends are, and where my opportunities are. Moving there will complete my heart, and boy do I hope I can do it.
If you have any advice on moving to the city alone, I'd be more than happy if you could comment or email me!
08. What is Your Dream Job?
For years now my biggest dream has been to be a famous actor, on Broadway and in film. I love Broadway with all my heart, and my reason to moving to the city is to make that dream come true! Recently I've also been desiring to be a Broadway Dresser like my friend is. It's a job to have whole auditioning!
A Broadway Dresser is one who is in charge of costumes for certain cast members, and they look like they have quite the fun life!
09. If You Could Travel Anywhere in The World, Where Would it Be?
My grandmother was raised in Scotland, and traveled all over the world as an adult. I've always been inspired by her to do the same. Ever since I was little, we dreamed of going to Scotland and St. Petersburg, Russia together! I'd have to say my top place is St. Petersburg, but I also have dreams of going to Scotland, London, and Copenhagen!
10. What's The Worst Thing About Blogging?
The worst thing about blogging is probably the pressure! I'm always feeling pressure on whether or not my blog is good enough, and it's almost stressful.
11. Why Do You Love New York So Much?
I just love how it's so alive! Where I have lived my whole life, it's always been nothing but boring. New York is fun, alive, and never sleeps. It's for sure the biggest reason why I simply love The Big Apple. I also love how it has all Broadway shows, it's such an unlimited option to seeing a great show!
12. What's The Best Show You've Seen This Year?
The best Broadway show I've seen this year, and probably ever, is Anastasia. Anastasia has always been very special to me, and my friend Christy Altomare starring in it, only made it a million times for amazing. The show itself is beautiful and unique, it's truly a grown up version of the movie.
13. If You Didn't Live in America, Where Would You Live?
Probably London! I actually was looking into London for a bit, but at the end of the day, new York is the love of my life. I would however love to live in London one day, though.
14. What's Your Favorite Food/Recipe?
My favorite dish that I'll have at any restaurant is definitely Wedding Soup. My favorite recipe is my grannie's Zucchini Bread recipe.
15. How Do You Stay Inspired?
I always stay inspired by listening to music! Music always cheers me up or gets me going.
16. If You Could Change Anything About Yourself, What Would it Be and Why?
I try not to regret much, but if I could change anything, it'd definitely be my jealousy and insecurity. I try my best not to be jealous or envious of others, but sometimes I find myself in that state. I also am aware I put myself down a lot, and I wish I could refrain from doing so as well.
17. What's Your Favorite Quote?
"Always Be a First Rate Version of Yourself, not a Second Rate version of someone else" - Judy Garland
I hope you loves enjoyed my little Q&A!

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