The original concept for the show was a prequel-like story to The Wizard of Oz. In this story, it is about the unlikely friendship between Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of The West) and Glinda. We actually see why Elphaba became "wicked" and trust me, you'll never watch The Wizard of Oz the same again. Wicked is currently the 9th longest running Broadway show in history, but it will most likely someday become closer to that number one slot. The show also celebrated its 10th Anniversary on Broadway in 2013.
The sensational Broadway musical is based on the 1995 novel by Gregory Maguire, "Wicked: The Life and Times of The Wicked Witch of The West". In 2004, Wicked held a total of 10 nominations at the Tony Awards, and won surprisingly 3 out of its 10 nominations, losing to Avenue Q. Although today, Wicked stands as one of the most classic Broadway shows that attracts millions of tourists and fans every year. Wicked also currently has productions touring America, and a production on West End.
Wicked is a very unique and special show, an certainly is a magical trip to Oz. I will never forget seeing the show for my 12th Birthday, my parents had gotten me fourth row tickets. It was an amazing experience that if you have the chance to see it, you most definitely should. I intend on seeing the current Broadway cast, now starring my friend Jackie Burns. Wicked is for sure one of the most successful Broadway shows of all time, and it is not to be missed! 💚
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