Reasons Why You Are Awesome

Thursday, July 27, 2017
Hello lovelies!  I hope you are having a fantastic week so far, because you deserve it!  Today's post is dedicated to you, because you are extremely important.  Have your insecurities, but I mean it, you are very important.  This is a positive post, and it's all about you.  You are awesome!  And here's why...

 You Are Loved

I am sure to have a family.  Even if you don't, you probably have someone in your life that you consider as family.  These people love you.  They love you, more than you could ever know.  If something were to happen to you, it would break their hearts.  You are very important to them.  Why?  Because they are your family, and they will love you no matter what.  Remember that.  If they do not love you through thick and thin, then they are not worthy of you.  Get all of the negative people out of your life if possible. 

One of my favorite quotes is from the Disney film, "Lilo and Stitch", and you might know it too.  "Ohana means Family.  Family means no one gets left behind."  It's true, and it is important.  Your family will love you, and they will always be there for you, no matter what you do.  That by itself is a very special thing to have, and be very grateful that you have a family, when there are also lots of people who sadly do not.

You are Special

No I do not mean you are "special" as in odd or weird, but that can apply to!  You are one of a kind, you have a mind of your own, and you are very special.  You matter to someone, whether you like it or not.  Maybe someone is even dependent on you.  Whatever it is, you are special.  You should even be special to yourself, because you have to learn to love yourself even when you cannot find the courage to.  Just know that you are very special, and that matters.

You are Imperfect

No one is perfect.  As cliché as it may sound, it's true.  Not one person you will ever meet is perfect.  No one knows everything, no one is always right, no one is perfect.  We are all in fact, imperfect.  That is a beautiful thing, because we make mistakes all the time.  I believe everything is meant to happen, and it happens for a reason.  You learn from your mistakes as you go on, everyone does, or at least they should!

Don't try to be better than anyone, because the truth is, you aren't.  We are all the same, imperfect people.  But what you can do is be more mature and kind than others.  Having maturity is an essential to growing up and to life itself.  Even though you won't always be perfect, you will always be your kind self.

You Are Perfectly Yourself

The last thing that makes you awesome, is you are yourself!  Whatever you do, you will always be your unique self.  You like the certain things you like, even though others may not.  You should love that about yourself.  Unlike the people around me, I love theatre, and I sure do love that about myself.  Why?  Because theatre makes me very happy, and it has introduced me to so many amazing people and things.  Whatever it is you love, should make you feel this way!

You are loved, you are special, you are absolutely imperfect, and you are perfectly yourself!  That's why you're awesome, and that's why you are an incredible, unique human being.

What are some things that you think makes you awesome?  Let me know in the comments!

The Blogging Niche

Sunday, July 23, 2017
As a Blogger, one of my main concerns is knowing what I Blog about. Your Blogging niche is essentially what you are comfortable blogging about and also what you're passionate about writing. If you don't know what you're comfortable writing about, what then do you do?

When I first started Blogging, I called myself a "Fashion Blogger". At the time, I did try doing as many fashion posts as possible, but overtime I just started losing that niche. I don't have a ton of money to buy a new outfit every week, nor do I have time to get high quality photos in every outfit I wear. So, I began understanding what a "Lifestyle Blogger" was, and realized that writing about that, is what I really love to do. Blogging about Lifestyle was really what I was most passionate about, it also let me write more personal posts and what not. Nowadays, I would say my Blog is mostly a "Lifestyle Blog".

I also like to run with Travel and Fashion as one of my main focuses as well. I do enjoy writing tips and tricks about New York City, as much as I also enjoy writing about clothes every now and then. The point I'm trying to make, is that you can freely write about simply any subject on your Blog. Why? Well, it's YOUR BLOG! You should be blogging because you love to write, along with getting some things across, but you should not be blogging if you're purely in it for the money. I've been blogging for a year now, and I'm much happier with how my writing style is today than it was a year ago.

If you don't know what your Blogging Niche is, then sit down and think about what you like and what makes you happy. Maybe it's writing up recipes, or talking about makeup looks, or even personal things. Whatever it is that makes you happy to write about, that's what you should Blog about!

Being Postive: And How it Can Change Your Life

Thursday, July 20, 2017
I had the won
derful opportunity to go to New York City a few weeks ago, and I have to say that this trip gave me a new aspect on attitude.  I had the chance to see Anastasia on Broadway, starring my talented friend Christy Altomare.  I was invited backstage to meet her for the first time, and I must admit it was a fantastic night talking to her.  She told me her story, how she got to where she is now, and it was truly inspiring to me.  She really taught me how positivity can change your life in very big ways.  Therefore, I decided to dedicate today's post to how positivity can affect your life.

Positivity is personally something I have always struggled with.  It is very difficult to remain positive during bad times, and to look for anything and everything positive.  What Christy taught me, is that no matter the situation you are in, you should always try to find something positive.  When she found positivity, her life suddenly turned around.  She began getting auditions, meeting wonderful people, and eventually landed her starring Broadway role.  This story has inspired me to try to find more positivity in my life.

You never know how much being kind to someone can change that person's day.  Perhaps someone is having a bad day, smiling at them or being as kind as possible, could possibly make that person's day a little bit better.  Nice people are attractive, that's just a fact, you should naturally want to be around kind hearted and sweet people.  You should also do your best to be one of these people yourself.  You never really know how much you can change someone's day, or even his life.
So just try to be the best person you can be, because that could really effect your attitude.  Your attitude will also really effect your life in ways you can't know.  Be kind, love each other, and learn to love yourself most importantly.